Interactive map

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fast wheel...

Uzbekistan and Tajikistan aren't best friends for various reasons (eg border disputes). Therefore there is no public transport between the countries (no flights, no bus, no train) leaving no other option than taking a shared taxi to the border, walk over and take a new taxi. That's nothing special as such but our taxi in Uzbekistan was "excellent". Once we were full (4 passengers) in Tashkent we took off and everything went well for the first hour. Then there was this strange noise and we stopped. The driver opened the front of the car and had a look at everything. Shortly afterwards we drove again. Then there was this smell from the back right side. Everybody was kind of guessing what this could be when the car fell to the right and our own back wheel flew past the car... Even the locals had a good laugh before we changed to another car leaving the poor guy with his tire in the field.


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