No, I have neither converted to Islam nor do I have constantly bad hair days in Iran... Wearing the scarf is mandatory by law in Iran, foreigners not exempted. It's quite a strange feeling to wear something on the head all the time and not to have the possibility to put it off. It took me quite a while to get used to it and I still fight everytime there is a wind gust or when the sun is beating down. But then, not to wear it is simply no option here, and we already get a lot of attention by being foreigners, so imagine the situation "Katrin without scarf" (I guess I could just as well walk around nacked).. In the end the question is, Do I want to visit Iran or not? and if yes, I have to respect this rule. But I have to admit: I'm looking forward to put that *** thing off (and to get back my freedom of choice) as soon as we cross the border again..
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