Interactive map

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Aksum - nothern Ethiopia

Ethiopia is a large and hilly country. Consequentially the ground transport takes quite a while. Eg Addis to Aksum would be two days by bus one way... . Therefore we decided to fly up there. Aksum is in the very north towards the borders of Eritrea and Sudan. It's a small village at 2100m above sea level which used to be a large ancient city. Today it's a relaxed little place with camels and the ruins of this city.


Anonymous said...

I see you are not covering Eritrea.

Do you know if it is easy to get to Eritrea from Ethiopia via Djibouti.
I heard wonderful things about the Italian Architecture in Asmara. I am planning to visit both countries and wondering if you have any knowledge ?

Jonas said...

Hi David,
sorry for the late response. As you most probably know, the Ethiopia - Eritrea border is closed and will remain so in the near future. It is possible to travel via Djibuti but it takes some time if you do it by ground transport as distances are long and the countries hilly.
The Lonely Planet guide book Ethiopia & Eritrea includes Djibuti and describes this transfer. If you have any specific questions let me know (send me an email to and I can send you details out of the book.
Regards, Jonas